Thursday, 1 March 2012

One Month In

I have successfully managed to daily blog for a whole month, for a consumate slacker this is quite an achievement.

When  I first decided to write my blog I was telling a dear friend I intended to use some of the screenied conversations I've had with him and other close friends, including his partner Pink.

I have to admit, I kinda like blogging, it's therapeutic. Not that I need therapy, the voices tell me I am fine. It's a bit like an open journal and most of my friends are still talking to me, so I shall continue until I lose interest. 


  1. Dont lose interest!! those voices are right, I dont comment on each one, but look forward to them all.. You are soo much like your old man and his mum(my gran).. its like hearing there POV, I miss it and I love this...

  2. Damn Troy, way to throw the guilt blackmail. *sobs* I shall blog tomorrow, for you, for my Dad, for Grandma, FOR SPARTA!
